Friday, February 25, 2011


OK so I started this blog forever ago. A mothers heart, But this mothers heart has been to busy being a mother to post. I thought today maybe I could share a minute to share my heart.

I have a Wonderful Husband and Two of the best kids any mother could ever ask for!

Life has its challenges and I wonder sometimes if I am teaching them (my children) the values that they need. Tonight they left dishes in our family room, in this house that means no TV for the remainder of the night. No PlayStation no WII they require the TV to play. I had to work tonight something I don't normally do. Meaning my sweet boys were home for an hour and a half by themselves. Dad the wonderful husband left notes on the TVs and on the dirty dishes stating NO TV. My sweet boys removed the notes and discarded them hiding then under other trash so they would not be found (sneaky) then they proceeded to watch TV. I come home from work they ask, "If its ok to watch TV?" Mom says sure you have all you chores done school is done (WHY NOT). Happy children!!! Mom finds out later the sweet little darling were not supposed to be watching.
I told the boys they needed to turn off the TV and then asked them where the note's were. What note's they ask. The notes that were on the TV I say. I didn't know you needed to see those they say. Really I say. MOM I am so sorry we hid the notes they say. Really I say. My sweet boys proceed to hug me and then go to their rooms to get ready for bed its 8:30. 9:00 They come down and say we played PlayStation for at least a half an hour it's ok if we can't watch TV the rest of the weekend were so sorry.
I realize I must be doing something alright because they confess, go to bed and set a grounding and all I said was Really.

What sweet children I have with tender hearts true story, silly story.I am blessed to have a pre-teen and a teenager who don't hate me. They know I love them that dad loves them (even when we take away the TV). I think of this same thing happening to other families and their sweet children screaming at them telling the parents they have no right to take away the TV to discipline. God has blessed me with wisdom (though I could use a lot more), patience (could use more of that too),and the knowledge that HE loves us even when we have sinned and need disciplined. What a pleasure it is to turn to HIM and say Father I am sorry I have sinned will you forgive me. Help me set it straight.